Saturday, May 31, 2008


Title: Need For Speed

1) To create a vehicle that can go further then 4 meters with a mass on it.
2) To Have a better understanding of DVAT.
3) To Find an gas Alternative.
4) To see the work of gravity.

Theory: Motion!



1) Looked at web links provided by Mr T. and filled out online internet form. (as seen in earlier blog)

2) Created a Blue Print of MTV. (as seen in earlier blog)

3) Gathered Materials for prototype.

4) Built Prototype. (as seen in earlier blog)

5) brought protoytpe to Mr. T for inspection.

6) Made changes to Prototype. (as seen in earlier blog)

7) Raced against table and made it past 4 meters.

8) Raced for final Race and lost!

Data Table:

Race with Table 4

Race with Other 4 mater cars


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